Quantifying Quantum Superposition Process and Its Applications for Quantum Information Processing

  • 陳 宏明

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


In quantum mechanics the feature of quantum systems can be demonstrated by quantum superposition that is not present in the classical world According to the superposition principle of quantum mechanics it describes how any two or more quantum states can be superposed together to form another valid quantum state; The superposition of quantum states therefore generalizes the capability of coherence creation in the orthonormal basis to the ability to superpose states in a normalized and linear independent basis In this thesis different with the former analysis of quantum states we introduce two measures to quantify creation and preservation of superposing quantum states from process perspective Through our work physical process can be characterized such that process can demonstrate superposition capability Therefore several physical systems can immediately explored in quantum information processing such as the post-selection used in entanglement generation quantum electrodynamics in birefringent crystal quantum electrodynamics for atom and field in quantum resonator projective measurement in quantum mechanics three typical quantum noise channels and the basic quantum logic gates in quantum computer
Date of Award2019
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChe-Ming Li (Supervisor)

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