Shaking Table Tests on Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes -Effects of Slope Angles

  • 龍 明明

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


A total of six tests were carried out to investigate the effect of slope angles on the seismic behavior of geosynthetic-reinforced soil slopes It was found that acceleration amplification depends mainly on the input predominant frequency of the earthquake and the variation of slope angles has relatively less significant effect Acceleration amplification was found to change with elevation which is contrary to the uniform distribution of Am conventionally assumed in current reference design guides (i e Elias et al 2001; NCMA 2010) Slope displacements has proven to be largely controlled by the slope angle Slope displacement increased with increase in slope steepness irrespective of the input wave frequency used The magnitude of critical acceleration (ay) detoriates with increase in slope steepness suggesting that steeper slopes are most likely to fail at relatively small HPGA or ay values Internal failure index has proven to be an important parameter to distinguish between overturning and bulging modes of failure
Date of Award2019
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChing-Chuan Huang (Supervisor)

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