Study of New Service Design Process for Animal-Assisted Activity Service: Perspective from Social Support Theory

  • 朱 禮勤

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The research concerned with Animal-Assisted Activity (AAA) services has been dramatic proliferated in recent year Experts in different fields dedicated themselves into AAA researches and have indicated that the AAA service helps the physical and psychological well-being of human Because of the healing effect of AAA service related association have been established and started to promote the service to general public However due to the characteristics of human-animal bond and AAA services most of the current relating theories have not adequately tested in empirical setting and sometimes it turns out to be equivocal or conflicting results In order to make progress in this field further research must focus on rigorous evaluation of AAA Designing and controlling in ways that make AAA service to become empirically supported therapy and treatment In order to help fill the research gap in literature and our knowledge this study aims to explore the performance and service design process of AAA evaluate it from the perspective of social support theory This study employs a three-phase research design combining quantitative and qualitative method The first phase began from a qualitative case study of AAA services in Taiwan (Dr Dog Association) to understand its current service process by following first two step of double diamond design process discover and define process using the participant observation method and in-depth interview Next based on the result of qualitative investigation from user aspect the service design principles are adopted in the second phase to generate two service prototypes as the experiment design In the final phase an evaluation framework is constructed based on the social support theory in order to evaluate the performance of service provision from the response of AAA The result shows that both experiment have important enhancement on performance of AAA and proved that the process and principles of service design can make significant improvements in the AAA service
Date of Award2014 Aug 29
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChia-Han Yang (Supervisor)

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