TCAS Solution for General Aviation

  • 李 嘉蓉

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The National Airspace System (NAS) will change dramatically over the next 20 years The demand of the airspace will increase rapidly especially the usage of general aviation (GA) while the Small Aircraft Transport System (SATS) provides alternatives in air travel As a result collision avoidance system will play an important role for the aviation safety in the future Varieties of conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) were published under two and three maneuvering dimensions The demand of airspace increases the probability of mid-air conflict also rises This study focuses on efficient collision avoidance logic for GA based on ADS-B for NextGen Heading change of horizontal resolution is more suitable for small GA flying in lower altitude in this thesis Simulations using real flight data are tested to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm
Date of Award2015 Jul 1
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChin-E. Lin (Supervisor)

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