The development of inflatable structure : Transformed tent

  • 余 承龍

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


In the era of globalization mobility is inevitable for people who live in this society People move around for various reasons Therefore as a backpacker my travel experience is worthwhile to explore the possibility of a backpack becoming a tent According to Newton's Law of Conservation of Mass any object will not be born out of nothing - although the volume of the object itself can be compressed it still has the same weight There is a sufficient resource called air that exists on the surface of earth Combining Lightweight fabrics with air when it is inflated its volume will enlarge; when it is deflated it is compressed into a backpack This approach not only consists with the law but also practices the possibility of the deformation It just uses the atmospheric resources to transform the state and make the best value The structure of the inflatable body: Through research and implementation it was researched that the airbag extrusion and structural design made the fabric self-formed and stabilized At the same time the deformation is directional Although the course is finished better proportional relationships materials and design methods are still some points need to be improved The development of inflatable structures is a powerful driving role to explore future construction The practice in this stage will be very helpful to design and develop the project in the future
Date of Award2019
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorYi-Hsuan Tu (Supervisor)

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