This research is directed with the intention of contributing towards the realm of innovation and new technology diffusion with a particular focus upon the individual diffuser category adopters’ motivations for adopting a particular innovation Rogers initially defined the diffuser categories based upon a timeline in which each adopter accepts and ultimately adopts a particular innovation relative to other adopters The motivations of a particular diffuser category to adopt as defined throughout this research are based upon the constructs within various value creation theories namely stand-alone value network externality value epistemic value social value and emotional value Furthermore in most instances these values have been linked with the most relevant sub-values aimed to further narrow the scope of the true motivation The ultimate aim of this research is to determine which of the perceived values prove most significant in any particular diffuser category consumer’s decision to adopt and more critically at which point in time relative to other adopters said consumer decides to adopt
Date of Award | 2016 Feb 3 |
Original language | English |
Supervisor | Wei-Shiun Chang (Supervisor) |
The Effects of Various Perceived Values on Timelines to Adopt Technology
杰明, 班. (Author). 2016 Feb 3
Student thesis: Master's Thesis