The Fast Resistance Extraction for Periodic Patterns

  • 李 奕旻

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The extraction problems for resistance inductance and capacitance are big issues for integrated-circuit (IC) design These parameters are used in circuit simulation to check the circuit’s functionality Therefore it is essential to obtain these parameters quickly in IC design In this thesis we study the resistance extraction problem with periodic patterns and investigate the resistance from the cell problem First we categorize the cell problems by the number of holes which is also the macroscopic density in a square/rectangle chip Second we study the cell problem and increase the problem size rapidly for the cell problem to emulate the periodic patterns We find that the resistance approaches the resistance with periodic patterns linearly as the number of cells increases It enlightens us to create an extrapolation for the answer properly The numerical results show the relative error for the estimation is less than 0 1% and the computation time is greatly decreased for the resistance extraction problem with periodic patterns
Date of Award2014 Aug 15
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorYu-Chen Shu (Supervisor)

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