The Impact of Office Toys on Users' Relaxation and Concentration

  • 盧 琳璐

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


As science and technology are developing rapidly more and more people are pursuing the better quality of life but they are also under higher pressure in that case they try to find some solutions to relieve pressure in their daily lives Therefore it also increases new commercial possibilities on the toys market one type of them is office toy (office fidget) which are the objects placed on the desks in the workplace or home office usually as the decorations or fiddling on the hand Nowadays the market is flooded with a various product that claims they can help people to reduce the pressure and even have effects that can improve the user’s concentrations However the effect in reality also needs to be proven by further experiments The purpose of this study is to verify the actual impact of different types of office toys on people's physical state through experiments including the relaxation and concentration data which are recorded by the portable Mindwave EEG device; the questionnaire also is used to collect the user’s feedback From the results of T-test analysis the conclusions are listed as below: (1) Mensa intelligence test can improve participants’ pressure and become more focus in the experiments (2) In experiment 1 the two office toys “Puchi Puchi” and “Dorayaki” are not a significant difference in improving the users' relaxations during the thinking process (3) In experiment 2 the office toy “Stress ball” is a significant difference on improving the users' relaxations but the user’s relaxation in Senairo2 causes it is much lower so the “Stress ball” also not valid on improving the relaxations degree (4) In concentrations aspects three office toys are not a significant difference in improving the concentrations degree (5) The results reflect that over 40% people think that the office toys can help them reduce the pressure during the thinking process According to above the results the current study provides that office toys have little effect on users' physiological effects and cannot increase the relaxation and concentration However in the psychological aspect they may help users to increase their relaxation and soothing moods On the contrary it may also have distracting effects
Date of Award2018 Aug 14
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorChun-Heng Ho (Supervisor)

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