The Influence of DwI Card on Behavior Design Ideation in Individuals

  • 張 力介

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The implementation of behavioral design requires not only people in humanity and psychological background to apply behavioral strategy in design but also people in design background to turn behavioral strategy into function and actual products and also people in technology background to make execution and evaluation Design-with-Intent card which gather knowledge in many areas to promote behavioral change design is an ideation tools developed for generating more behavioral design concepts In this study we translate this card into Chinese and trying to understand whether there is a difference between people in different background (design technology and humanity background) in the ability of ideation; and whether they can use the design-with-Intent card to generate more behavior design concept then achieve the same result on the output of ideation The results of the initial experiment found that: 1) There is no significant difference between participants in design and humanity background in the number of original ideas but people in design background generate much more ideas than people in technology background; 2) Design-with-Intent card can be helpful for generating more ideas even face the questions that that once has been given up already people can come up with much more ideas than before while using it; 3) Design-with-Intent cards is helpful for stimulating rate of ideation except for the people in technology background; 4) Although Design-with-Intent card is helpful for people in all the different background to produce more ideas it also makes the gap between people in technology background and people in other two kinds of background get widened In this study we combined with the results of the empirical and interviews and found that Design with Intent is indeed an effective tool for ideation of behavior design However to balance the interdisciplinary team members’ ideation ability it is recommended that we need to make adjustment to the Design-with-Intent tools for people in technology background
Date of Award2017 Sept 1
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorYuan-Chi Tseng (Supervisor)

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