The Moderating Role of Customer-brand Identifiaction on the Relationship between Consumer Tendency to Regret and Consumer Satisfaction

  • 洪 勤宜

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Since consumer’s satisfaction with the products/services purchased predicts consumers’ future brand preference and purchase behavior understanding the factors influencing the effects of consumers’ negative emotions after purchase on their satisfaction with the purchase is a critical issue The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among consumer tendency to regret (CTR) post-purchase cognitive dissonance (PCD) and consumer satisfaction in the context of the cosmetics industry in Taiwan Furthermore this study used customer-brand identification (CBI) as a possible moderator exploring the role of CBI at the post-purchase stage on the relationships among CTR PCD and consumer satisfaction The research conducted an online survey on Taiwanese consumers who had purchased cosmetics/skincare products in the past 12 months A total of 796 valid questionnaires were collected This study used structural equation modelling (SEM) and multi-group SEM to verify the hypotheses proposed Results indicated that (1) CTR had positive effects on both consumer satisfaction and PCD (2) PCD negatively influenced consumer satisfaction and mediated the CTR-consumer satisfaction relationship (3) CBI strengthened the CTR-PCD relationship but attenuated the PCD-consumer satisfaction relationship
Date of Award2018 Aug 15
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorYa-Hui Kuo (Supervisor)

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