The Patterns of Consumption: An Exploration of Thai Diaspora Consumers in Taiwan

  • 黃 富隆

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study explores Thai consumers’ consumption patterns in the condition of different consumption environment By employing home theory developed by Gustafson (2001) as a guiding framework along with in-depth interview as a method for conducting this qualitative research It is found that Thai diaspora consumers have a good ability to adapt to different consumption environment while they are still appreciating products from their homeland Apart from that they also experience a desiring for home during a period they absent from it These three main distinctive patterns of consumption are characterized: (1) adaptability (2) attachment and (3) nostalgia A perspectives gained from Thai diaspora consumers expand current understandings of acculturation assimilation and globalization
Date of Award2015 Feb 9
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorJu-Faye Kao (Supervisor)

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