Valuation of Equity Mergers and Acquisitions -A Case Study of Sigurd Company Acquiring TEST-SERV Company

  • 李 冠緯

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The results of this research find the benefit for Sigurd Company after acquired TEST-SERV Company After acquisition of TEST-SERV Company Sigurd Company could earn NT$ 5 05 per share when compare with the not acquisition of TEST-SERV Company but manufacture by itself The reason is leading company can develop advanced process than other small-medium company in advance It is not only packaging but also testing industry we understand the bigger output value will focus on leading company The small-median company cannot survive if they do not have unique technology or close cooperation relationship with their customer Thus we understand this merge case is correct decision and bring more benefit to stockholder And this study collects future growth rate gross profit margin profit margin etc as control variables and get the reasonable bid in this case this result can provide method to academe and business world when analysis the value of company which be merged by other company
Date of Award2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorHsuan-Chu Lin (Supervisor)

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