Wave scattering analysis for tension leg structures of arbitrary shape using Eigen-function matching method

  • 戴 薇

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In this study characteristics of waves exerting on floating structures with tension leg is investigated For convenience we assume that the tension leg has a huge tension to anchor on the sea bottom Following the preuious studies the heave motion is assume to be small and neglected when compared with surge motion wave motions over the floating structures in term of reflection coefficient transmission coefficient and displacement are presented The problem is solved using Eigen-function matching method (EMM) which is a semi- analytical solution EMM has the adventage to provide efficient calculation without laborious numerical iteration The present results are compared with the analytical solution of Lee and Lee (1993) and good agreement is found Three different geometric shapes including triangular trapezoid and rectangular are studied The resonant performance of the floating structure is also presented in the present study
Date of Award2016 Jul 25
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorShih-Chun Hsiao (Supervisor)

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