(Ba Ca)(Ti Sn Hf)O3摻雜MnO2無鉛壓電陶瓷與應用於壓電超音波馬達之研究
作者: 偉翔, 趙., 2017 7月 28監督員: Chu, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
作者: 建燁, 吳., 2014 8月 1監督員: Huang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
(t k)-Diagnosis of Multiprocessor Systems
作者: 俊安, 陳., 2014 7月 26監督員: Hsieh, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
2 5D Cartoon Animation and Animating Streamlines
作者: 智國, 葉., 2015 2月 12監督員: Lee, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
2D Emotion Space based Robot Facial Expression
作者: 景文, 鄭., 2017 8月 25監督員: Li, T. S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
2D Fixed-View Video Synthesis for Crowd Trajectory-Based Movement
作者: 建麟, 劉., 2017 8月 22監督員: Lee, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
3D-IC Built-In Diagnosis Architecture for TSVs with Different Placement and Impact Ranges of Crosstalk Faults
作者: 文軒, 許., 2016 2月 16監督員: Lee, K. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
3D Nonrigid Registration for Partially Deformable Objects and Principal Curvatures Based Ridge Detection
作者: 郁承, 陳., 2020監督員: Shieh, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Object Inspection System Using Deep Learning-Based Structured Light and System Stability and Speedup
作者: 家瑋, 葉., 2020監督員: Lien, J. J. (Supervisor) & Guo, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Object Model Aided RGBD-CNN Object Orientation Justification and Convolutional Autoencoder Grasping Points Generation Method
作者: 凱傑, 張., 2020監督員: Li, T. S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Panel Alignment System Using Deep Learning-Based Structured Light and System Stability and Speedup
作者: 勁毅, 葉., 2020監督員: Lien, J. J. (Supervisor) & Guo, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Printing Applied to Magnetic Lead Screw Production
作者: 士豪, 孔., 2020監督員: Tsai, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single Image with Duplicate Objects Using Template Models
作者: 傑程, 張., 2017 8月 24監督員: Lee, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single Image with Symmetry Information
作者: 心平, 王., 2019監督員: Lee, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Skeleton Reconstruction Based On 2D Pose Estimation
作者: 俊穎, 李., 2019監督員: Su, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Structured Devices Developed by Through Silicon Via Technology
作者: 俊良, 盧., 2019監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
3D Visual-Guided Robot Arm Control for Warehouse Automation System
作者: 淳勉, 張., 2020監督員: Lien, J. J. (Supervisor) & Guo, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
3-Restricted Connectivity of Folded Hypercube
作者: 順翔, 楊., 2017 8月 30監督員: Hsieh, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
45奈米 高介電材料/金屬閘極製程之新產品試生產流程改善
作者: 周傑, 陳., 2017 8月 14監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis