6-DoF Dual-Arm Imitation Learning with Position Control based Self-Collision Avoidance for Service Robot
作者: 介仲, 梁., 2018 7月 6監督員: Li, T. S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 0 35mA-Quiescent-Current 0 00075%-THD+N Class-D Amplifier with Low-EMI Power Stage
作者: 詣智, 邱., 2020監督員: Kuo, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A 0 5-to-3 0 Gb/s Dual Edge Sampling Delay-Locked Loop Based Clock and Data Recovery Circuit
作者: 繼仁, 吳., 2014 8月 20監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 0 5-to-5 Gbps Continuous Rate Clock and Data Recovery Circuit with Bi-directional Frequency Detection
作者: 彥錡, 陳., 2014 3月 7監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 10-bit 120-MS/s SAR ADC with Compact Architecture and Noise Suppression Technique
作者: 哲勳, 郭., 2014 8月 22監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 10-bit 300-MS/s Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter with a Pre-amplifier-only Comparator
作者: 恩澤, 寸., 2019監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 10-bit 600-MS/s 2x-Interleaved Timing-Skew Insensitive Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter
作者: 桓睿, 胡., 2019監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 10Gbs Serdes Circuit with Auto Impedence Compensation
作者: 正新, 楊., 2020監督員: Lee, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A 12-bit 10-MS/s Calibration-Free Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter
作者: 力仁, 張., 2019監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 12-bit 3GS/s 4xTI Pipelined ADC with Digital Background Calibration
作者: 宗賢, 林., 2017 2月 3監督員: Kuo, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 12-bit 4-MS/s Dual-Mode SAR ADC with Self-Biased Switching and Residue Oversampling Techniques
作者: 兆賢, 馬., 2020監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A 12-bit 50-MS/s Time-Interleaved Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter
作者: 華安, 曾., 2019監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 14-Bit 2GS/s and 12-Bit 4GS/s Reconfigurable DAC with Triple Modes
作者: 聖洋, 翁., 2014 8月 6監督員: Kuo, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 14-bit 2-MS/s Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter with Tree-Based Reversed Switching and Residue Oversampling
作者: 聖文, 黃., 2020監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A 14-bit 800MS/s 4-way Time-Interleaved Pipelined ADC with Digital Background Calibration
作者: 凡緯, 廖., 2016 7月 28監督員: Kuo, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A 2 4GHz ISM Band OOK Transceiver with High Energy Efficiency for Biomedical Implantable Applications
作者: 博壕, 鄭., 2019監督員: Lee, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A 2 5-bit/cycle 10-bit 160-MS/s SAR ADC with Digital Code Error Correction
作者: 佳欣, 李., 2016 1月 26監督員: Chang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A Bandgap Voltage Reference Circuit with Calibration Technique of Process Variation
作者: 巧涵, 楊., 2019監督員: Lee, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A Bidirectional Three-Phase Smart Inverter with Frequency and Voltage Regulation under an Unbalanced System
作者: 文堯, 黃., 2018 7月 27監督員: Yang, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A Cascoded High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Coupled Inductor and Switched Capacitor
作者: 岱祐, 吳., 2020監督員: Liang, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
A Case Study of the Spatiotemporal Image Fusion via Self-Similarity or Total-Variation Regularizers
作者: 承育, 謝., 2021監督員: Lin, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Accelerating Aho-Corasick Algorithm using Odd-Even Sub Pattern to improve Snort Intrusion Detection System
作者: 埕峰, 柯., 2018 9月 4監督員: Chang, Y. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Accelerating cerebral QSM scan via focusing volume of interest and parallel imaging
作者: 佳蓁, 蔡., 2018 9月 3監督員: Chao, T. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Accurate Audio-to-Score Alignment for Expressive Violin Recordings
作者: 佳綾, 薛., 2017 8月 23監督員: Su, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Achieving Full Strength of Collaboration by Optimizing Team Developer Capability
作者: 耘臺, 楊., 2020監督員: Jiau, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis