?黃色葡萄球菌SrrB 組胺酸激?的胞內區域蛋白之晶體結構研究
作者: 雅今, 鄭., 2015 8月 21監督員: Jeng, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A Genome-wide Screen for the Bacterial Factors Involved in EHEC-induced Intestinal ACT-5 Mislocalization in C elegans
作者: 惠臻, 謝., 2020監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Analysis of the Posttranslational Modification of the Transcription Factor HLH-30 after Pore Forming Toxin Intoxication in C elegans
作者: 緯學, 陳., 2015 8月 20監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Analysis of the role of the host factor CYB-3 in the enterohemorrhagic E coli-induced ACT-5 ectopic expression in C elegans
作者: 昱廷, 陳., 2016 8月 15監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Analyzing the Caenorhabditis elegans mutants confer hypersusceptibility to enterohemorrhagic E coli colonization
作者: 昉蓉, 楊., 2014 8月 21監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Analyzing the Host Factors Involved in the Tolerance of Enterohemorrhagic E coli in Caenorhabditis elegans
作者: 佳恩, 蔡., 2019監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Cancer Therapy by Arginase Inhibitor
作者: 皓妤, 鄭., 2020監督員: Lai, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
CD248 Plays an Essential Role in Cellular Senescence and Insulin-Induced Response in Diabetic Wound
作者: 詠齡, 羅., 2020監督員: Wu, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
CD248 Released from Pancreatic Stellate Cells promotes the progression of Pancreatic Cancer
作者: 弦, 林., 2020監督員: Wu, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Characterization of hpo-22 in Cry5B Induced HLH-30 Nuclear Localization and Autophagy Activation in C elegans
作者: 叔樺, 林., 2017 8月 14監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Characterization of the Role of prmt-7 in Pore-Forming Toxin Induced HLH-30 Nuclear Localization and Autophagy Activation in C elegans
作者: 依穎, 林., 2017 1月 17監督員: Chen, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Chromosomal Instability via Physical Pressure Regulates Immune Signaling and Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Progression
作者: 心瑜, 應., 2021監督員: Huang, P. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Combination of oncolytic adenoviruses with immunomodulatory strategies for cancer treatment
作者: 嘉妤, ?., 2020監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Design of anti-VEGFR2 and -integrin ?vβ3 Bispecific Fusion Proteins Using Different Types and Lengths of Linkers
作者: 陽睿, 歐., 2020監督員: Chuang, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Design of Integrin ?vβ6 or ?IIbβ3-specific Antagonists using Disintegrin Scaffolds
作者: 景皓, 蔡., 2018 8月 27監督員: Chuang, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Development of DNA Vaccine for Precision Medicine
作者: 鈞和, ?., 2019監督員: Lai, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Development of Oncolytic Adenovirus Carrying MicroRNA-1 for Virotherapy of Pancreatic Cancer
作者: 映辰, 劉., 2020監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Effect of N-terminal residues of Trimucrin on PEGylation
作者: 恩伶, 魯., 2020監督員: Chuang, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Effects of Cd248 Gene Knockout on Tumoral PD-L1/PD-L2 Expression and Proliferation in KPC Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer
作者: 修維, 張., 2021監督員: Huang, P. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Investigation of the Role of Codon Bias in Regulating Steady-state mRNA Levels in Mammalian Cells
作者: 勁安, 陳., 2021監督員: Yu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Investigation of the role of myozenin-1 in diabetic sarcopenia
作者: 冠霖, 黃., 2021監督員: Ou, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Mechanisms Underlying the Dual Role of Mulberroside A in Cancer Therapy
作者: 笠慈, 黃., 2020監督員: Cheng, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
mTOR Signaling Leads to Suppression of PeriFN-Promoted Cancer Metastasis
作者: 怡萱, 李., 2020監督員: Cheng, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Novel Pyrazole Derivatives for Treating Osteoporosis
作者: 侑聰, 呂., 2018 9月 3監督員: Chen, Y. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Nuclear prothymosin ? suppresses TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal?transition in lung cancer
作者: 藜云, 陳., 2015 8月 14監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis