Shear stress and erythromycin stimulations in endothelial cells for treatment of neonatal hypoxic-ischemia brain injury
作者: 宜倫, 江., 2017 2月 18監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Study the relationship between running-induced neuronal activation and BDNF expression
作者: 婉寧, 黃., 2017 4月 26監督員: Kuo, Y. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Study the role of extracellular vesicles in exercise-induced anti-microglial activation
作者: 鴻霖, 周., 2019監督員: Kuo, Y. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
The Atheroprotective Mechanism of Triterpenoids from Ganoderma Tsugae in the Carotid-Artery-Ligation Mouse Model
作者: 詠卿, 林., 2016 8月 31監督員: Mo, F. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The Differential Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases in a Porcine Model of Coarctation-induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
作者: 玲麗, 陳., 2014 10月 14監督員: Jiang, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The effect of Abdominal Aortic Coarctation on Cardiac Hypertrophy in A Porcine Model
作者: 桐賢, 賴., 2014 7月 11監督員: Jiang, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The effects of physical microenvironment stimuli on Temozolomide-induced resistant glioblastoma
作者: 謦讌, 張., 2019監督員: Sze, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
The Mechanism of Midazolam and Propofol on Mouse Leydig Cell Lines Apoptosis
作者: 姝淳, 王., 2015 7月 13監督員: Huang, B. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The potential application of using nanoparticle to label glioblastoma in vitro
作者: 宜璇, 吳., 2019監督員: Sze, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
The Role of Apoptosis in the Coarctation-Induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Porcine Model
作者: 志銘, 尹., 2014 8月 30監督員: Jiang, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The role of CCN1 in aortic aneurysm in mice
作者: 聖涵, 蘇., 2020監督員: Mo, F. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
The Role of TIAF1 in Paclitaxel-induced Cell Cycle Arrest in Glioblastoma
作者: 欣慈, 張., 2015 2月 11監督員: Sze, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
The Therapeutic Potential of Mitochondrial Transplantation in a Rat Model of Neuropathic Pain
作者: 馨誼, 邱., 2020監督員: Lee, J. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Venous endothelial cell inflammation and prevention after arterial flow transition
作者: 少禹, 方., 2018 1月 23監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
作者: 詠琦, 張., 2018 12月 18監督員: Jiang, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
探討VP-16 (Etoposide)對於人類肺腺癌細胞A549的影響:初級纖毛所扮演的角色
作者: 立筠, 楊., 2018 7月 20監督員: Wang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
作者: 詩羽, 陸., 2017 6月 28監督員: Wu, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis