AbpAB inhibits Shiga-toxin production in enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
作者: 秉錩, 楊., 2021監督員: Hashimoto, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
A Potential Role of Zfra in Mitigating Traumatic Brain Injury Transition to Alzheimer's Disease-like Symptom
作者: 宗昀, 柳., 2020監督員: Chang, N. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Association between DNA methyltransferase and pathogenicity in uropathogenic Escherichia coli
作者: 翊棻, 馬., 2018監督員: Hashimoto, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Calcium-Binding S100A2 Impaired Cutaneous Wound Healing By Modulating P53 Activity
作者: 哲瑜, 李., 2017 8月 24監督員: Wu, L. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Cellular gC1qR-interactome during EV-A71 Infection and Its Possible Role in Translational Control
作者: 妍如, 陳., 2019監督員: Wang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Cellular gC1qR promotes mitochondria-dependent apoptosis via p38 MAPK activation in Enterovirus A71 infected neuron cell
作者: 佩苓, 蔡., 2018 9月 1監督員: Wang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Characterization of conjugative antibiotic resistance plasmids that promote the iron uptake abilities of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae
作者: 思涵, 王., 2018 8月 25監督員: Teng, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Characterization of glycosylation patterns of interleukin-6 between non-small lung cancer cell lines and macrophage
作者: 婷卉, 黃., 2016 2月 2監督員: Su, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Characterization of the interaction between the B56γ3 regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A and the 70 kDa ribosomal S6 kinase
作者: 其融, 謝., 2020監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Characterization of the role of hnRNPM isoforms in colorectal carcinoma tumorigenesis
作者: 家君, 郭., 2019監督員: Sun, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Development and validation of target-sequencing panel for skeletal dysplasia
作者: 靖媛, 王., 2019監督員: Sun, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Development of a novel in vivo target cloning system for long DNA fragment in bacteria
作者: 堉文, 謝., 2016 9月 1監督員: Teng, C. (Supervisor) & Hashimoto, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Development of multifunctional FePt nanoparticle for targeted imaging agent and as a novel sensitizer for radiotherapy
作者: 婉莉, 施., 2016 8月 30監督員: Su, W. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Enterovirus A71 VP4-interacting protein gC1qR acts as a negative viral replication modulator in neuron cells at early stages of viral infection
作者: 冠維, 陳., 2016 12月 27監督員: Wang, S. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Functional analysis of the domains involved in regulating nuclear localization of the B56γ3 regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A
作者: 士綱, 高., 2014 9月 1監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Functional investigation of anaerobic growth in gram positive model bacteria Bacillus subtilis
作者: 美玲, 依., 2020監督員: Hashimoto, M. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Functional study of an Escherichia coli protease
作者: 博淳, 許., 2016 3月 30監督員: Teng, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Identification and characterization of conjugative antibiotic-resistant plasmids that facilitate Escherichia coli to uptake iron
作者: 敏儀, 黃., 2016 9月 1監督員: Teng, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Identification and characterization of mobilizable plasmids that benefit bacterial pathogens during infections
作者: 晞, 楊., 2017 8月 25監督員: Teng, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Identification and functional characterization of FoxO3A as a novel substrate of PP2A-B56γ3
作者: 之瑜, 楊., 2016 2月 1監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Identification of small molecule drugs inhibiting hypoxia-induced FGF9 IRES activity in colon cancer cells
作者: 阿成, 薛., 2020監督員: Sun, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Identification of the FGF9 IRES-mediated translational initiation complex under Hypoxia
作者: 逸宣, 林., 2019監督員: Sun, H. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Doctoral Thesis
Investigate the cellular functions of PP2A phosphatase activator (PTPA)
作者: 宛璇, 楊., 2016 2月 1監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Investigate the cellular functions of type 2A-interacting protein (TIP)
作者: 承恩, 鍾., 2014 9月 3監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis
Investigate the interaction between the regulatory subunit B55δ and B56γ3 of protein phosphatase 2A and its selected substrates by a molecular imaging approach
作者: 亞璇, 楊., 2017 12月 1監督員: Chiang, C. (Supervisor)
學生論文: Master's Thesis