- 300個結果中的 - 3503,511
The Lectin-Like Domain of Thrombomodulin Aggravates Herpes Simplex Virus 1-Induced Lethality in Mice
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
探討protein tyrosine phosphatase IVA3 (PTP4A3)於肝細胞癌中之cisplatin/doxorubicin化療抗藥性的分子機制
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
系統性探討纖毛生成在癌細胞化療抗藥性之角色-NUDT16L1於纖毛形成及DNA損傷修補在癌細胞中之功能性研究( I )
Tsai, S.
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Risk of Motor Vehicle Crashes among People Living with Diabetes Mellitus
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
A Study on the Financial Security of Persons with Dementia and Dementia Friendly Community
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
The Role of the Matricellular Protein Ccn1 in Mouse Models of Aortic Aneurysm
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Blue Light Retinopathy: Cell and Animal Models, Mechanism, Microrna, and Treatment.
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Study of Micro-Nano Surface Modification for Titanium with 3d Porous Structures Made by Additive Manufacturing
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Combining Square-Root Cubature Kalman Filter and Closed-Loop On-Focus Optogenetic Stimulation for Predicting and Preventing Temporal Lobe Seizures
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Investigate the Combination of Aptamers Targeting Galectin-1 and Neuropilin-1 as Novel Tumor Immunotherapeutic Agents
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
以剖析咽癌於放射治療過程中腫瘤微環境之發炎與免疫變異為基礎的新穎治療策略與生物標記開發-建立與咽癌之放射治療抗性相關之免疫圖譜特徵研究( II )
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
早產兒身體器官病變所造成的腦神經發展障礙與來自身體的發炎訊號改變了脈絡叢屏障及其調控的晝夜節律有關-“抗生素導致腦功能失調症”:長期暴露抗生素透過脈絡叢屏障失調與發炎反應對早產兒造成腦連結異常與神經發展障礙( I )
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project
Deciphering the Molecular and Neural Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Metabolic Disorder-Related Depression
20-08-01 → 21-07-31
研究計畫: Research project