以冷加工提昇具有α 相鈦合金的機械強度之方法

Jiin-Huey Chern (Inventor), Chien-Ping Ju (Inventor)

研究成果: Patent


A process for making an article of a titanium alloy having α" phase as a major phase according to the present invention includes providing a work piece of a titanium alloy consisting essentially of 7-9 wt% of molybdenum and the balance titanium and having α" phase as a major phase; and cold working at least a portion of the work piece at room temperature to obtain a green body of the article, wherein the cold worked portion of the green body has a thickness which is 20%-80% of that of the at least a portion of the work piece, and the cold worked portion has α" phase as a major phase.
出版狀態Published - 1800
