A feasibility study on the determination of blood hematocrit with Nakagami parameter calculated from backscattered signals

研究成果: Conference contribution

4 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The feasibility of quantifying various hematocrits using the Nakagami parameter was evaluated in this study. The ultrasonic signals backscattered from red cell suspensions with hematocrits ranging from 3% to 50% were collected using a 5 MHz focused transducer. The Hilbert transform and logarithmic compression were in turn applied to the backscattered signals to obtain the uncompressed and compressed envelopes for estimating the Nakagami model parameter. The Nakagami parameter calculated using the uncompressed backscattered envelopes cannot be used to separate various hematocrits due to that the probability distributions of the uncompressed envelopes of different hematocrits all follow Rayleigh statistics, as indicated by their near-unity Nakagami parameters. In contrast, all of the compressed backscattered envelopes tended to be post-Rayleigh distributions, further making the corresponding Nakagami parameters dependent on the hematocrit, in which the mean parameter increased from 7.2 to 8.04 with the hematocrit from 3% to 12%. As the hematocrits were increased from 12% to 50%, the corresponding Nakagami parameter decreased from 8.04 to 5.77. This demonstrates that different hematocrits can be effectively distinguished using the Nakagami parameter after applying logarithmic compression to the envelope signals. Since it is not affected by the system gain and dynamic range, the Nakagami parameter estimated from compressed backscattered envelopes might be a useful parameter for the future development of the real-time examinations of the hematocrit by ultrasound technique.

主出版物標題2005 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium
出版狀態Published - 2005
事件2005 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium - Rotterdam, Netherlands
持續時間: 2005 9月 182005 9月 21


名字Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium


Other2005 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 聲學與超音波


深入研究「A feasibility study on the determination of blood hematocrit with Nakagami parameter calculated from backscattered signals」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
