A meta-analysis of primate hand preferences, particularly for reaching

Eros Papademetriou, Ching Fan Sheu, George F. Michel

研究成果: Article同行評審

137 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


P. F. MacNeilage, M. G. Studdert-Kennedy, and B. Lindblom (1987) proposed a progression for handedness in primates that was supposed to account for the evolution of a right bias in human handedness. To test this proposal, the authors performed meta-analyses on 62 studies that provided individual data (representing 31 species: 9 prosimians, 6 New World monkeys, 10 Old World monkeys, 2 lesser apes, and 4 greater apes), of the 118 studies of primate handedness published since 1987. Although evidence of a population-level left-handed bias for prosimians and Old World monkeys supports P. F. MacNeilage et al., the data from apes, New World monkeys, and individual species of prosimians and New World monkeys do not. Something other than primate handedness may have been the evolutionary precursor of the right bias in hand-use distribution among hominids.

頁(從 - 到)33-48
期刊Journal of Comparative Psychology
出版狀態Published - 2005 3月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 生態學、進化論、行為學與系統學
  • 心理學(雜項)


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