Acquisition and Synchronisation of Cardiography Signals from a Clinical Patient Monitor with Facial Video Recordings

Jagmohan Meher, Chien Chih Wang, Torbjörn E.M. Nordling

研究成果: Conference contribution


A far too frequent practical challenge in clinical informatics research and method development for acquiring vital signs is the extraction and synchronisation of signals from proprietary devices for the clinical monitoring of patients. In an ongoing study evaluating methods for video-based remote photoplethysmography (rPPG), we needed to extract ground truth values of electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximetry (SpO2) signals from the Philips vitals monitor while recording the facial video of the subject, simultaneously. This ground truth data will be used to train the model that will perform rPPG. Various software can extract data from the Philips vitals monitor with features like data acquisition, parsing, and visualisation, but they lack synchronisation with the facial video. Therefore, we developed the Patient Monitor Data Extractor (PMDE), which collects data from the Philips IntelliVue monitors following the Data export interface programming guide provided by Philips. We set up a DHCP server on a Windows 7 computer with a webcam and interfaced with the monitor through LAN with UDP/IP. We used C++ and Windows Sockets API to develop our software and communicate over UDP. For synchronisation with the video cameras, we turned off the light in the room and used this sudden brightness drop as a trigger. The timestamp of the monitor was recorded when the webcam detected the trigger. The PMDE software records ECG at 500 Hz and SpO2 at 125 Hz with a synchronisation error of less than two sampling periods, which is about 40 ms for a 50 fps video. We conclude that PMDE is uniquely suited for recording data for rPPG evaluation because of its synchronisation feature. We have used PMDE to collect a dataset of facial videos with ground truth ECG and SpO2 signals. We intend to make PMDE available as open source to save other researchers time.

主出版物標題International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics 2022 - Proceedings of ICBHI 2022
編輯Esteban Pino, Ratko Magjarevic, Paulo de Carvalho
發行者Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
出版狀態Published - 2024
事件5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, ICBHI 2022 - Concepcion, Chile
持續時間: 2022 11月 242022 11月 26


名字IFMBE Proceedings


Conference5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, ICBHI 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 生物工程
  • 生物醫學工程


深入研究「Acquisition and Synchronisation of Cardiography Signals from a Clinical Patient Monitor with Facial Video Recordings」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
