An Analysis on the Reliability of the Alternating Group Graph

Limei Lin, Yanze Huang, Yuhang Lin, Li Xu, Sun Yuan Hsieh

研究成果: Article同行評審

3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


For interconnection network losing processors, usually, when the surviving network has a large connected component, it can be used as a functional subsystem without leading to severe performance degradation. Consequently, it is crucial to characterize the interprocessor communication ability and efficiency of the surviving structure. In this article, we prove that when a subset D of at most 6n-17 processors is deleted from an n-dimensional alternating group graph AG n, there exists a largest component with cardinality greater or equal to |V(AGn)|-|D|-3 for n\≥ 6 in the remaining network, and the union of small components is, first, an empty graph; or, second, a 3-cycle, or an edge, or a 2-path, or a singleton; or, third, an edge and a singleton, or two singletons. Then, we prove that when a subset D of at most 8n-25 processors is deleted from AG n, there exists a largest component with cardinality greater or equal to |V(AG_n)|-|D|-5 for n\≥ 6 in the remaining network, and the union of small components is, first, an empty graph; or, second, a 5-cycle, or a 4-path, or a 4-claw, or a 4-cycle, or a 3-path, or a 3-claw, or a 3-cycle, or a 2-path, or an edge, or a singleton; or, third, a 4-cycle and a singleton, or a 3-path and a singleton, or a 3-claw and a singleton, or a 2-path and a singleton, two edges, an edge and a singleton, or two singletons; or, fourth, two edges and a singleton, or a 2-path and two singletons, or an edge and two singletons, or three singletons.

頁(從 - 到)1542-1555
期刊IEEE Transactions on Reliability
出版狀態Published - 2021 12月 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 安全、風險、可靠性和品質
  • 電氣與電子工程


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