Applicability of Oculomotor Tests for Predicting Central Vestibular Disorder Using Principal Component Analysis

Ching Nung Wu, Sheng Dean Luo, Shu Fang Chen, Chi Wei Huang, Pi Ling Chiang, Chung Feng Hwang, Chao Hui Yang, Chun Hsien Ho, Wei De Cheng, Chung Ying Lin, Yi Lu Li

研究成果: Article同行評審


The videonystagmography oculomotor test battery is considered useful method for diagnosing vertigo. However, its role in diagnosing central vestibular disorder has not been clarified due to variations in interpretation. Patients (n = 103) with vertigo or dizziness symptoms undergoing the oculomotor tests and brain MRI within 1 month were analyzed. Two otology specialists retrospectively interpreted the oculomotor tests, and three neurology and neuroradiology specialists determined whether central lesions were present on brain MRI. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the factors contributing to discordant interpretation between oculomotor tests and brain MRI. Oculomotor tests predicting central lesions were assessed using principal component analysis. The intra-and inter-rater reliability in oculomotor test interpretation was moderate to good. Age > 60 years and multiple comorbidities were significant predictors of a discordant interpretation between MRI and oculomotor tests. Positive neurological symptoms and a higher oculomotor index (according to saccade (vertical axis), smooth pursuit (horizontal axis), and gaze-evoked nystagmus (horizontal/vertical axes) tests) significantly predicted central vestibular disorder in vertigo patients. Caution is required when interpreting the results of the oculomotor test battery for diagnosis of central lesions in older patients, as well as in those with multiple comorbidities.

期刊Journal of Personalized Medicine
出版狀態Published - 2022 2月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 醫藥(雜項)


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