Clay minerals control silicon isotope variations of fine-grained river sediments: Implication for the trade-off between physical erosion and chemical weathering

Chen Ling, Zhifei Liu, Xun Yu, Yulong Zhao, Fernando P. Siringan, Khanh Phon Le, Edlic Sathiamurthy, Chen Feng You, Kaiyun Chen

研究成果: Article同行評審

2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Stable silicon (Si) isotopes in fluvial sediments can provide insights into understanding silicate weathering processes on the Earth's surface. However, a lack of comprehensive studies has hindered full understanding of the factors influencing Si isotope fractionation during continental weathering. In this study, through the analysis of Si isotopes in fine-grained sediments from 13 rivers surrounding the South China Sea, significant variation of Si isotopes in bulk detrital sediments (<63 μm) was observed, with δ30Si values ranging from −0.17‰ to −1.09‰. At basin scale, the δ30Si values are influenced by multiple controlling factors such as climatic conditions, lithology, and tectonic settings, which have a close relationship with the content of clay minerals. The characteristics of weathering types and intensities are ultimately reflected in the weathering products, specifically clay minerals. Compiling data across multiple grain sizes from major rivers globally, robust correlations based on clay mineral classification between δ30Si and Al/Si ratio have been observed, which are unaffected by regional and grain-size variations. As the dominant clay mineral group transitions from illite/chlorite to smectite and kaolinite, the degree of Si isotope fractionation increases progressively. This sequence indicates a shift from stronger physical erosion to more intensive chemical weathering, suggesting a transition in the weathering regime from weathering-limited to transport-limited. This study reveals the intrinsic link between Si isotopic compositions and clay mineral assemblages, providing implications for similar stable isotope research and offering a potential indicator for understanding continental weathering processes and their contributions to the global carbon cycle.

期刊Chemical Geology
出版狀態Published - 2024 9月 5

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 地質學
  • 地球化學與岩石學
