Computational experiments on algorithms for haplotype inference problems by pure parsimony

I. Lin Wang, Hui E. Yang

研究成果: Conference contribution

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


To analyze the function of DNA, researchers have to obtain each haplotype, the genetic constitution of an individual chromosome, of an individual for analysis. Due to the significant efforts required in collecting haplotypes, the descriptions of one conflated pair of haplotypes called genotypes are usually collected. Since the genotype data contains insufficient information to identify the combination of DNA sequence in each copy of a chromosome, one has to solve the population haplotype inference problem by pure parsimony criterion which uses the minimum number of haplotypes to infer the haplotype data from genotype data for a population. Previous researches use mathematical programming methods such as integer programming and semidefinite programming models to solve the population haplotype inference problem. However, no computational experiment has ever been conducted to evaluate the algorithmic effectiveness. This paper thus conducts the first computational experiments on four haplotyping algorithms, including our new greedy heuristic and three pervious haplotyping algorithms.

主出版物標題Proceedings of the 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2006
出版狀態Published - 2006
事件9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2006 - Taiwan, ROC, Taiwan
持續時間: 2006 10月 82006 10月 11


名字Proceedings of the 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2006


Other9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2006
城市Taiwan, ROC

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 一般工程


深入研究「Computational experiments on algorithms for haplotype inference problems by pure parsimony」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
