Cycloidal Magnetic Gear Utilizing Magnetic Repulsion Characteristics

Pin Hao Liao, Mi Ching Tsai, Hsueh Chi Lu, Po Wei Huang, Tsung Wei Chang

研究成果: Article同行評審


The use of non-contact magnetic transmission, such as coaxial magnetic gears (CMGs), has become increasingly significant in the industrial sector. However, designing for high reduction ratios poses CMGs with strict challenges in size and manufacturing. This article proposes a repulsive-type cycloidal magnetic gear (RCMG) as a means to address the increasing demand for high reduction ratios and longer lifespans prevalent in recent years. Transmission is achieved through the principle of magnetic repulsion, resulting in a reduction ratio of 19:1. In addition, this study explores the two modes of operation of the RCMG through analytical derivations and FEA software. Characteristics, such as bearing load, slip torque, and reduction ratio, were analyzed. This framework not only achieves a high reduction ratio but also significantly reduces the bearing load. Finally, this article prototypes a model to validate the slip torque and reduction ratio.

期刊IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
出版狀態Published - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 電子、光磁材料
  • 電氣與電子工程


深入研究「Cycloidal Magnetic Gear Utilizing Magnetic Repulsion Characteristics」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
