Design and implementation of fuzzy garage-parking control for a PC-based model car

Shih Jie Chang, Ching Wen Cheng, Tzuu Hseng S. Li

研究成果: Paper同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


In this paper, the garage parking for a PC-based model car with the design of fuzzy logic controller is explored. At first, the realization of a PC-based model car is described. We set up a 1/10th-scale car with front driven and steering wheels. It has four-wheeled with four points of suspension. The PC-based model car which is completely autonomous, all sensing, computation, and control is done on-board. In the second topic, we investigate and simulate fuzzy logic control methods such that the developed model car is able to park in the garage appropriately and automatically from any initial location. The real-time motion of fuzzy garage-parking controlled model car is implemented in the last topic. By considering practical situations, we modify and redesign the fuzzy logic control strategies. Both simulations and experiments demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed intelligent garage-parking control system.

出版狀態Published - 1997
事件Proceedings of the 1997 23rd Annual International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, IECON. Part 2 (of 4) - New Orleans, LA, USA
持續時間: 1997 11月 91997 11月 14


OtherProceedings of the 1997 23rd Annual International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, IECON. Part 2 (of 4)
城市New Orleans, LA, USA

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 控制與系統工程
  • 電氣與電子工程


深入研究「Design and implementation of fuzzy garage-parking control for a PC-based model car」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
