Diagnosis from functional perspectives: Usefulness of a manual tactile test for predicting precision pinch performance and disease severity in subjects with carpal tunnel syndrome

Hsiu Yun Hsu, Yao Lung Kuo, I. Ming Jou, Fong Chin Su, Haw Yen Chiu, Li Chieh Kuo

研究成果: Article同行評審

8 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Objectives To investigate how the severity levels revealed in a nerve conduction study (NCS) affect the results of the Manual Tactile Test (MTT) for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and to examine the relationships between the results of the MTT and precision pinch performance. Design Case-control studies. Setting Hospital and local community. Participants Patients with CTS (N=70) with 119 affected hands were studied. A control group matched by age, sex, and hand dominance was also recruited. Intervention Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures CTS severity was determined based on NCS findings. The MTT, traditional sensory tests, and precision pinch performance were used to examine the functional sensory status of the hand from different perspectives. Results The patients with CTS exhibited deterioration in all of the sensibility tests (P<.001). The results showed that the MTT could classify subgroups of severity in CTS (P<.001). A moderate correlation was found between the results of the MTT and precision pinch performance (r=.526-.585, P<.001). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the MTT results were useful indicators for predicting precision pinch performance and differentiating severity in subjects with CTS (r2=.376 and.323, respectively). Conclusions The findings indicate that the MTT could be a valid and useful assessment for hand sensibility and prehensile pinch performance in patients with CTS.

頁(從 - 到)717-725
期刊Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
出版狀態Published - 2014 4月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 物理治療、運動療法和康復
  • 復健


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