Dynamics of the mapping class group on the moduli of a punctured sphere with rational holonomy

Joseph P. Previte, Eugene Z. Xia

研究成果: Article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Let M be a four-holed sphere and Γ the mapping class group of M fixing the boundary ∂M. The group Γ acts on M B(SL(2,ℂ)) = HomB+1(M), SL(2,ℂ))/SL(2,ℂ) which is the space of completely reducible SL(2,ℂ)-gauge equivalence classes of flat SL(2,ℂ)-connections on M with fixed holonomy B on ∂M. Let B∈[-2,2]4 and M B be the compact component of the real points of M B(SL(2,ℂ)). These points correspond to SU(2)-representations or SL(2,ℝ)-representations. The Γ-action preserves MB and we study the topological dynamics of the Γ-action on MB and show that for a dense set of holonomy B∈[-2, 2]4, the Γ-orbits are dense in MB. We also produce a class of representations ρ∈HomB+1(M), SL(2,ℝ)) such that the Γ-orbit of [ρ] is finite in the compact component of M B(SL(2,ℝ)), but ρ(π1(M)) is dense in SL(2, ℝ}.

頁(從 - 到)65-72
期刊Geometriae Dedicata
出版狀態Published - 2005 4月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 幾何和拓撲


深入研究「Dynamics of the mapping class group on the moduli of a punctured sphere with rational holonomy」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
