Effect of commercial P25 TiO2 doping in polydimethylsiloxane tribo-film on the output performance of triboelectric nanogenerator and its application

You Jun Huang, Kai Hong Ke, Chen Kuei Chung

研究成果: Article同行評審

2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a popular tribo-layer film for triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) often used for mechanical energy harvesting to collect sustainable energy. Material doping in PDMS is a feasible method for performance enhancement of TENG. Different dielectric materials in TENG involved in time-consuming and complex chemical process. Here, we propose a PDMS-TENG doped with a commercially available and non-toxic dielectric material P25 TiO2 with fast process. The dielectric triboelectric layer is casted by PDMS with doped TiO2 (TiO2@PDMS) at a precisely controlled concentration and combined into TENG with aluminium sheet (TiO2@PDMS-Al-TENG). The optimal TiO2@PDMS-Al-TENG occurred at 0.45 wt% of P25 TiO2. In comparison to the non-doped PDMS-Al-TENG, the open-circuit voltage increased by 223 %, the short-circuit current increased by 263 %, and the output power increased by 692 %. TiO2@PDMS-Al-TENG can be applied to drive electrical appliances. This demonstrates that using commercially available low-cost TiO2 can enhance power generation performance enough for PDMS-Al-TENG at a fast process and be widely used in the power generation thin films.

期刊Surface and Coatings Technology
出版狀態Published - 2024 4月 30

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 一般化學
  • 凝聚態物理學
  • 表面和介面
  • 表面、塗料和薄膜
  • 材料化學


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