Enhancing denitrifying sulfide removal with functional strains under micro-aerobic condition

Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren, Qingliang Zhao, Lihong Liu, Sunil S. Adav, Duu Jong Lee, Jo Shu Chang

研究成果: Article同行評審

34 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The biological denitrifying sulfide reaction (DSR) frequently proceeds in anaerobic environments since excess oxygen inhibits the activity of the denitrifiers. This study isolated a consortium H7, comprising two strains, Penibacillus sp. and Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus. It indicated that the DSR performance with the H7 in a mixotrophic medium is significantly enhanced at high sulfide concentrations. The H7 was inhibited by adding >200 mg l-1 of S2- under anaerobic conditions. However, when 280 mg -1 of S2- was added, H7 could still degrade some of the sulfide, nitrate and acetate under micro-aerobic conditions. Micro-aerobic conditions stimulated the activity of sulfide oxidase and increased the removal rate of highly concentrated sulfide, reducing the inhibition of sulfide on denitrifiers and improving DSR performance.

頁(從 - 到)1007-1010
期刊Process Biochemistry
出版狀態Published - 2010 6月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 生物工程
  • 生物化學
  • 應用微生物與生物技術


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