Fabrication and application of two-dimensional tungsten disul¯de thin ¯lm

Chieh Yu Kuan, Sheng Po Chang, Guan Yuan Liou, Shun Hsyung Chang, Shoou Jinn Chang

研究成果: Article同行評審


To form a tungsten disul¯de ¯lm, a tungsten trioxide ¯lm is deposited ¯rst and then hydrogen sul¯de is injected into the furnace tube to sul¯de the tungsten trioxide ¯lm in a high-temperature environment. Due to the need to accurately control the thickness of tungsten trioxide, the power of the RF sputtering machine was reduced as much as possible in a stable condition in the experiment and the bias voltage during each process was monitored. In this experiment, a sapphire substrate and a silicon substrate with 200 nm silicon dioxide are used. Then use optical instruments such as Raman optics, ellipsometers and high-resolution electron transmission microscopes, atomic force microscopes and other instruments for further measurement. The analysis results show that we have successfully made tungsten disul¯de ¯lms of di®erent thicknesses. Moreover, two-dimensional tungsten disul¯de thin ¯lm has a response to light, gas and pH and related devices have been successfully fabricated in experiments. Among them, comparing the single-layer ¯lm and the double-layer ¯lm, the ¯lm quality of the double-layer ¯lm is better. The quality of the ¯lm grown on the sapphire substrate is also better than the quality of the ¯lm grown on the silicon dioxide substrate.

期刊International Journal of Modern Physics B
出版狀態Accepted/In press - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 統計與非線性物理學
  • 凝聚態物理學
