Large-scale group decision making model based on social network analysis: Trust relationship-based conflict detection and elimination

Bingsheng Liu, Qi Zhou, Ru Xi Ding, Iván Palomares, Francisco Herrera

研究成果: Article同行評審

301 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The paper proposes a Trust Relationship-based Conflict Detection and Elimination decision making (TR-CDE) model, applicable for Large-scale Group Decision Making (LSGDM) problems in social network contexts. The TR-CDE model comprises three processes: a trust propagation process; a conflict detection and elimination process; and a selection process. In the first process, we propose a new relationship strength-based trust propagation operator, which allows to construct a complete social network by considering the impact of relationship strength on propagation efficiency. In the second process, we define the concept of conflict degree and quantify the collective conflict degree by combining the assessment information and trust relationships among decision makers in the large group. We use social network analysis and a nonlinear optimization model to detect and eliminate conflicts among decision makers. By finding the optimal solution to the proposed nonlinear optimization model, we promote the modification of the assessments from the DM who exhibits the highest degree of conflict in the process, as well as guaranteeing that a sufficient reduction of the group conflict degree is achieved. In the third and last process, we propose a new selection method for LSGDM that determines decision makers’ weights based on their conflict degree. A numerical example and a practical scenario are implemented to show the feasibility of the proposed TR-CDE model.

頁(從 - 到)737-754
期刊European Journal of Operational Research
出版狀態Published - 2019 6月 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 一般電腦科學
  • 建模與模擬
  • 管理科學與經營研究
  • 資訊系統與管理


深入研究「Large-scale group decision making model based on social network analysis: Trust relationship-based conflict detection and elimination」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
