Lidar Observations of the Typhoon Boundary Layer Within the Outer Rainbands

Yuan Shiang Tsai, Jiun Jih Miau, Chao Ming Yu, Wan Ting Chang

研究成果: Article同行評審

15 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The typhoon boundary layer within the two super typhoons Dujuan and Soudelor is observed using ground-based Doppler lidar up to a height of 240 m, and primarily in the outer rain-bands. The mean wind-speed profiles are analyzed over 1-h intervals and two longer intervals, representing the stages of the typhoons’ approach and departure, respectively. In agreement with surface-layer parametrizations related to finite mixing-length theory, the hourly mean wind-speed profiles demonstrate that the scaling parameter u o /f c , where u o denotes the surface friction velocity, and f c denotes the Coriolis parameter, determines the depth the surface layer, and governs the boundary-layer formation in the mixed layer. With large values of u o /f c , the dominance of surface friction extends the logarithmic layer to the uppermost level of the present observations. In contrast, with small u o /f c values, the effect of the Coriolis parameter increases the wind speed with respect to the logarithmic profile above the surface layer. That the averaged wind-speed profiles may be described by finite mixing-length theory, the empirical Deaves and Harris model, as well as the power-law profile, suggest these approaches are appropriate for simulations of the typhoon boundary layer.

頁(從 - 到)237-255
期刊Boundary-Layer Meteorology
出版狀態Published - 2019 5月 15

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 大氣科學


深入研究「Lidar Observations of the Typhoon Boundary Layer Within the Outer Rainbands」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
