Living with constipation and communication taboos surrounding constipation among older adults: An interpretive phenomenology analysis study

Jong Ni Lin, Wen Ting Xie, Yueh Ying Yang, Chia Hui Wu, Jing Jy Wang

研究成果: Article同行評審


Chronic constipation is a prevalent problem that significantly impacts older adults’ well-being. This study aimed to explore how older adults describe constipation symptoms and impacts and understand the perceived taboo surrounding discussions on related issues. Twenty older adults with constipation were interviewed using a semi-structured format in Taiwan. The Interpretive Phenomenology Analysis approach was utilized for data analysis. Five techniques recommended by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were implemented to ensure the study's trustworthiness. The primary themes encompassed comprehensive portrayals of fecal characteristics, the discomfort symphony of constipation, emotional turbulence in the struggle against constipation, daily activities shadowed by constipation, and underlying factors contributing to communication taboos. Most participants considered the discussion of constipation taboo due to its association with an embarrassing secret, an unacceptable social norm and stigma, and apprehensions of potential gossip. Geriatric caregivers need to consider individual perspectives, communication taboos, and sociocultural contexts when addressing older adults' constipation.

頁(從 - 到)266-273
期刊Geriatric Nursing
出版狀態Published - 2024 7月 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 老年學
