Loading time and channeling effect in removing copper ions from sand surface by surfactin solution in flushing column

B. Haryanto, W. B. Singh, C. H. Chang, A. Chairunnisa, F. R. Butarbutar

研究成果: Conference article同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The variations of loading time (t) were used to indicate the channeling effect of in removing copper ions from sand surface by surfactin solution in continuous flushing column technique. Results trend shows that by increasing loading time will increase the interaction with the contaminant on sand surface. In shorter time showed that the removal efficiency of water was higher than surfactin if flushing without foam. The micelle structure within the surfactin solution has ability to move into intra particle and tend to flow down which decrease the loading time in comparing with water molecule. Flushing with foam, the bubbles gas penetrates and spreads the surfactin micelles to the whole sand surface and spend shorter time in loading the sand column. Types of flushing with and without foam with the removal efficiency result are possible to predict the channeling affect.

期刊IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
出版狀態Published - 2018 2月 19
事件10th International Conference on Numerical Analysis in Engineering, NAE 2017 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia
持續時間: 2017 8月 242017 8月 25

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 一般材料科學
  • 一般工程


深入研究「Loading time and channeling effect in removing copper ions from sand surface by surfactin solution in flushing column」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
