Low-firable high-K dielectric in the Zrx(Zn1/3Nb 2/3)1-xTiO4 ceramic system

Cheng Liang Huang, Yu Hua Chien

研究成果: Letter同行評審

10 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Composite ceramics in the solid solution of Zrx(Zn 1/3Nb2/3)1-xTiO4 (x = 0.1-0.4) have been prepared by the mixed oxide route. Formation of solid solution was confirmed by the X-ray diffraction patterns. The microwave dielectric properties, such as dielectric constant (εr), Q × f value and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) have been investigated as a function of composition and sintering temperature. With x increasing from 0.1 to 0.4, the dielectric constant decreases from 70.9 to 43.2, and the τf decreases from 105 to 55 ppm/°C. The Q × f value, however, increases with increasing x value to a maximum 26,600 GHz (at 6 GHz) at x = 0.3, and then decreases thereafter. For low-loss microwave applications, a new microwave dielectric material Zr0.3(Zn 1/3Nb2/3)0.7TiO4, possessing a fine combination of microwave dielectric properties with a high εr of 51, a high Q × f of 26,600 GHz (at 6 GHz) and a τf of 70 ppm/°C, is suggested.

頁(從 - 到)L293-L295
期刊Journal of Alloys and Compounds
出版狀態Published - 2011 7月 21

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 材料力學
  • 機械工業
  • 金屬和合金
  • 材料化學


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