Mode-evolution-based silicon-on-insulator 3 dB coupler using fast quasiadiabatic dynamics

Yung Jr Hung, Zhong Ying Li, Hung Ching Chung, Fu Chieh Liang, Ming Yang Jung, Tzu Hsiang Yen, Shuo Yen Tseng

研究成果: Article同行評審

33 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


We report a 2 × 2 broadband and fabrication tolerant mode-evolution-based 3 dB coupler based on silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides. The operating principle of the coupler is based on the adiabatic evolution of local eigenmodes. The key element of the device is an adiabatically tapered mode evolution region, which converts two dissimilar waveguides into two identical waveguides. Contrary to conventional designs using a linear taper function where the device adiabaticity is uneven during evolution, we use the fast quasiadiabatic approach to homogenize the adiabaticity of the device, leading to a shortcut to adiabaticity. Devices with an optimized taper region of 26.3 μm are designed and fabricated in a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor compatible process with 193 nm deep ultraviolet lithography. The measured devices exhibit a broadband 3 dB 0.5 dB splitting within a bandwidth of 100 nm, uniformly across a 200-mm wafer, showing good tolerance against fabrication variations.

頁(從 - 到)815-818
期刊Optics Letters
出版狀態Published - 2019 2月 15

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 原子與分子物理與光學


深入研究「Mode-evolution-based silicon-on-insulator 3 dB coupler using fast quasiadiabatic dynamics」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
