New COVID-19 challenges and response strategies adopted by a national suicide prevention hotline: A qualitative study

I. Ting Hwang, Fortune Fu Tsung Shaw, Wen Yau Hsu, Chen I. Kuan, Guang Yi Liu, Shu Sen Chang

研究成果: Article同行評審


Crisis helplines provide important support for vulnerable individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may also impact the helplines. We explored the challenges that the pandemic brought to Taiwan’s national suicide prevention hotline and the hotline’s responses. We interviewed 14 hotline workers and conducted data analysis using the framework method. The pandemic posed two new challenges to the hotline: potential service interruption and the adjustment of perceived role among hotline workers. The hotline’s well-formulated response plan helped it sustain its services during the pandemic, although the workers also experienced stress and frustration resulted from role ambiguity. Our data highlighted the hotline workers’ need for accurate COVID-19 information, relevant training, and timely support.

頁(從 - 到)54-63
期刊Death Studies
出版狀態Published - 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 臨床心理學
  • 發展與教育心理學
  • 藝術與人文(雜項)


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