Ocean acidification in the Western Pacific: Boron isotopic composition recorded in a tropical massive coral core from Lanyu Islet SE Taiwan

Chen Feng You, P. Y. Lin, Kuo Fang Huang, Chuan Hsiung Chung, Zhifei Liu

研究成果: Article同行評審


Boron (B) and B isotopic compositions (δ11B) in biogenic carbonates are useful proxies for pH reconstruction in the ocean. However, high-resolution archives are scarce due to associated sampling and analytical difficulty. In this study, a modern long-lived massive coral skeleton (Porites lobata) from Lanyu Islet off southeast Taiwan was drilled and used for high-resolution major/trace element analyses, including trace elements B and δ11B, as well as oxygen and carbon isotopes, to investigate the associated environmental changes during 1991–1997. To avoid complicated biological influence, the top-most tissue layer was excluded in this study. The coralline records show a clear temporal trend in metal/Ca-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) on annual and monthly timescales. In particular, the Mg/Ca-SSTs, the most sensitive temperature proxy at the site, show a significant warming trend (+0.2°C year−1) during the study period. On the other hand, subtle changes in the annual δ11B record were identified, corresponding to ~0.2 pH unit, which is comparable with other coral records in the Pacific, e.g., the South China Sea (SCS), Guam Island, Flinders, and Arlington Reef, as well as the in-situ seawater pH measurement at Hawaii station. This corresponds to an acidification rate of ~0.25 pH unit 100 year−1, similar to other coralline data, in-situ pH/pCO2 measurement, or model predictions, and emphasizes the importance of ocean acidification due to anthropogenic activities. Combined with the Mg/Ca-SST, the intra-annual data show a clear seasonal cycle with higher pH in winter, consistent with the pCO2 at the oceanic surface. These chemical and isotopic results in corals conclude that marine biogenic carbonates are informative for oceanic pH reconstruction and can provide new insights into the relationships between climate changes and environmental responses on the coast of Taiwan.

期刊Frontiers in Marine Science
出版狀態Published - 2022 7月 27

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 海洋學
  • 全球和行星變化
  • 海洋科學
  • 水科學與技術
  • 環境科學(雜項)
  • 海洋工程


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