Prediction of applied forces in handrim wheelchair propulsion

Chien Ju Lin, Po Chou Lin, Lan Yuen Guo, Fong Chin Su

研究成果: Article同行評審

11 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Researchers of wheelchair propulsion have usually suggested that a wheelchair can be properly designed using anthropometrics to reduce high mechanical load and thus reduce pain and damage to joints. A model based on physiological features and biomechanical principles can be used to determine anthropometric relationships for wheelchair fitting. To improve the understanding of man-machine interaction and the mechanism through which propulsion performance been enhanced, this study develops and validates an energy model for wheelchair propulsion. Kinematic data obtained from ten able-bodied and ten wheelchair-dependent users during level propulsion at an average velocity of 1. m/s were used as the input of a planar model with the criteria of increasing efficiency and reducing joint load. Results demonstrate that for both experienced and inexperienced users, predicted handrim contact forces agree with experimental data through an extensive range of the push. Significant deviations that were mostly observed in the early stage of the push phase might result from the lack of consideration of muscle dynamics and wrist joint biomechanics. The proposed model effectively verified the handrim contact force patterns during dynamic propulsion. Users do not aim to generate mechanically most effective forces to avoid high loadings on the joints.

頁(從 - 到)455-460
期刊Journal of Biomechanics
出版狀態Published - 2011 2月 3

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 生物物理學
  • 生物醫學工程
  • 骨科和運動醫學
  • 復健


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