Probing Brain Dynamics Correlates of Motor Expertise With Mobile Recordings

David Moreau, Shih Chun Kao, Chun Hao Wang

研究成果: Article同行評審

2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Mobile electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography technology have the potential to revolutionize the study of motor expertise by providing real-time brain activity data in a noninvasive and portable manner. In the context of sports, these recording techniques have already been used in various applications such as mental fatigue monitoring, concussion assessment, and even talent identification. Here, we discuss the potential for mobile technology to facilitate precise characterization of brain dynamics and outline a number of challenges for the use of portable technology in this context. Specifically, we argue that mobile brain recordings cannot only improve our understanding of motor activities, athletic performance, and athletes’ individual differences but also provide an opportunity for researchers to exploit the richness and uniqueness of sports environments as a tool to better understand the brain. We close with a discussion of the promise of this body of work for future research in sports and exercise neuroscience.

期刊Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
出版狀態Accepted/In press - 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 社會心理學
  • 物理治療、運動療法和康復
  • 應用心理學
