Psychological pathway from obesity-related stigma to depression via internalized stigma and self-esteem among adolescents in taiwan

Chung Ying Lin, Meng Che Tsai, Chih Hsiang Liu, Yi Ching Lin, Yi Ping Hsieh, Carol Strong

研究成果: Article同行評審

25 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


The objective of this research was to examine the pathway from public stigma, to perceived stigma, to depression in adolescents via internalized stigma. Adolescents in grade 7 through 9 from a junior high school in Changhua County in Taiwan completed self-administered surveys from March to July in 2018. Adolescents were asked questions regarding depressive symptoms, obesity-related perceived stigma, and internalized stigma. Structural equation modeling was used to fit the pathway model. The pathway was first analyzed with the full sample and then stratified by actual and perceived weight status. Our final analytic sample consisted of 464 adolescents. The pathway model suggested an acceptable model fit. Perceived weight stigma (PWS) was significantly associated with internalized stigma regardless of actual or self-perceived weight status. Internalized stigma was significantly associated with anxiety for both actual (β = 0.186) and self-perceived nonoverweight (non-OW) participants (β = 0.170) but not for overweight (OW) participants (neither actual nor self-perceived). For OW adolescents, perceived weight stigma was associated with anxiety. However, the internalization process did not exist. It may be that the influence of perceived weight stigma is larger than internalized stigma on anxiety. It may also be that the level of internalization was not yet high enough to result in anxiety.

期刊International journal of environmental research and public health
出版狀態Published - 2019 11月 2

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 污染
  • 公共衛生、環境和職業健康
  • 健康、毒理學和誘變


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