Relationship Between Weight Status and Self-Image Mediated by Pubertal Timing and Athletic Competence: A Cohort Study With Taiwanese Adolescents

Jen Hao Kuo, Josue Jaru Ubeda Herrera, Chia Yi Liu, Ting Hsuan Lee, Carol Strong, Chung Ying Lin, Yun Hsuan Chang, Yi Ching Lin, Yi Ping Hsieh, Meng Che Tsai

研究成果: Article同行評審

3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Background: Self-image reflects overall self-acceptance in developing adolescents. Using a representative cohort of Taiwanese youth, this study aims to explore the relationship between weight status, pubertal timing, athletic competence, and adolescent self-image. Methods: Data come from the Taiwan Youth Project that comprised a longitudinal cohort of adolescents (N = 2690, 51% males, Mage = 13.3 ± 0.5 years) surveyed annually from seventh grade. Self-image was measured by perceived satisfaction with appearance and physique. Weight status was proxied by self-reported body mass index (BMI; kg/m2). Pubertal timing was defined using the Pubertal Developmental Scale, which mainly measured physical changes in puberty. Athletic competence was assessed by experiences with participation in competitive sports and self-perceived talent for sports. Linear regression analysis was applied to test for an association between BMI and self-image. In order to test for mediating roles of pubertal timing and athletic competence, Hayes' PROCESS macro on SPSS was conducted applying 5,000 bootstrap resamples with 95% confidence intervals of the indirect effect. Results: BMI was inversely associated with self-image in both males (β = −0.074, [−0.095, −0.053]) and females (β = −0.095, [−0.122, −0.069]). The boot-strapped 95% confidence intervals indicated statistically significant mediating effects of pubertal timing (β = −0.008, [−0.015, −0.001]) and athletic competence (β = −0.006, [−0.011, −0.002]) in the link between BMI and self–image in females, whilst only athletic competence mediated this association (β = −0.006, [−0.009, −0.002]) in males. Moreover, BMI at baseline were also associated with long-term self-image in males (β = −0.037, [−0.057, −0.017]) and females (β = 0.132, [0.073, 0.190]). Conclusions: Understanding the mediating factors may help enhance adolescents' self-image by providing guidance on healthy weight and physical activity behaviors according to different stages of pubertal progression.

期刊Frontiers in Public Health
出版狀態Published - 2022 7月 22

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 公共衛生、環境和職業健康


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