State Minority Health Officers’ Perceptions of their Successes and Barriers to Reducing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

Aaron J. Diehr, Timothy R. Jordan, James H. Price, Jiunn Jye Sheu, Joseph A. Dake

研究成果: Article同行評審


Background: Minimal research has been conducted to examine the impact and reach of state offices of minority health (SOMH) and their role in reducing racial and ethnic health disparities within their states. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to describe the shared experiences of SOMH officers to provide context for why these individuals believe that state organizational efforts have not yielded much success in reducing racial and ethnic health disparity gaps. Methods: Using a telephone interview guide, the investigators conducted telephone interviews with SOMH officers. Data were analyzed thematically based on emergent patterns in participant responses. A total of 47 of 50 state officers (94%) completed the interview. Results: Though many officers were encouraged by increased awareness regarding health disparities, nearly every officer listed inadequate resources as the most impactful barrier impeding the success of their offices’ missions. Conclusion: SOMH continue to be severely underfunded and are concerned about their potential for success, leaving them with minimal ability to engage in activities beyond educational awareness campaigns. For SOMH officers to be successful in eliminating disparities, legislators must provide them with adequate funding so they can engage in wider-reaching interventions targeting the social determinants of health.

頁(從 - 到)662-670
期刊Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities
出版狀態Published - 2018 6月 1

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 健康(社會科學)
  • 人類學
  • 社會學與政治學
  • 健康政策
  • 公共衛生、環境和職業健康


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