The construction of a theory-based augmented reality-featured context-aware ubiquitous learning facilitation framework for oral communication development

Ken Chih Hsu, Gi Zen Liu

研究成果: Review article同行評審

7 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Background: Given the advancement of mobile and sensing technology, the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) in context-aware ubiquitous learning (CAUL) has offered significant benefits to oral communication development in foreign language learning. Although a great number of studies have been dedicated in this field, only a little research was conducted to formulate a facilitation framework aligning with established learning theories or pedagogies. Objectives: This review thereby examined the facilitation tenets conducive to the best practice of AR-based CAUL projects for oral communication enhancement and further established a AR-guided CAUL framework. Methods: The researchers systematically reviewed 17 related empirical AR studies from Web of Science from 2000 to 2021 and synthesized the results with focused second language acquisition theories. Results and Conclusions: Three practical tenets were identified, including facilitating learner-centred pedagogies with personal and contextual learning supports, incorporating constructivist learning design, and encouraging collaborative learning and higher-order cognitive skills. Furthermore, in accordance with the synthesized results, a facilitation framework combining situated learning, learning-by-doing, and social constructivist design was developed to engage students in a learning, applying, and reflecting process in formal and informal learning contexts. Major Takeaways: For the best practice of oral communication through AR, this review study offers practical facilitation tenets and theoretical framework which are in alignment with research-proven theories. It is expected that the framework could provide frontline educational practitioners with guidance to foster students' learning outcomes and interactions.

頁(從 - 到)883-898
期刊Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
出版狀態Accepted/In press - 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 教育
  • 電腦科學應用


深入研究「The construction of a theory-based augmented reality-featured context-aware ubiquitous learning facilitation framework for oral communication development」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
