The key role of Taiwanese nurses in combating covid-19 pandemic

Shu Fen Chen, Lian Hua Huang, Ching Min Chen, Tzu Hsien Chuang, Mei Tzi Peng, Hsiu Hung Wang

研究成果: Article同行評審

14 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


As t he COVI D-19 pandemic cont i nues t o rage worldwide, Taiwan has achieved out st andi ng performance in controlling the spread of the outbreak domestically, earning global appreciation. Nurses on the frontlines deserve much of the credit for the ongoing success in fighting against this outbreak in Taiwan. Taiwan’s success to date is grounded in proactive preparedness and deployment by t he gover nment and effect ive t eamwork among gover nment agencies, medical i nst it ut ions, enterprises, and the public. Comprehensive containment strategies and preparedness have allowed nurses to effectively perform their duties and combat the pandemic. Nurses safeguard the public’s health a myriad of ways, including implementing quarantine measures at air and seaports, conducting fever screenings, delivering inpatient isolation treatments, performing case contact tracing, providing communit y care ser vices, and operat i ng special char tered-f l ight ser vices. The Taiwan Nurses Association (TWNA) provides vital lead in this pandemic response, advocating for the safety, health and wellbeing of nurses; highlighting the contributions and value of nurses; and enhancing the professional image and status of nurses. Furthermore, through its global platform, TWNA shares with peer organizations worldwide the content and efficacy of actions taken by the national government, the contributions of healthcare workers, and the support and encouragement received from the public in COVID-19 containment to demonstrate values of Taiwan and nursing.

頁(從 - 到)84-89
期刊Journal of Nursing
出版狀態Published - 2020 6月

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 一般護理


深入研究「The key role of Taiwanese nurses in combating covid-19 pandemic」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
