The rotation of a rigid ellipsoidal inclusion embedded in an anisotropic piezoelectric medium

研究成果: Article同行評審

20 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


A rigid ellipsoidal inclusion is embedded in a homogeneous piezoelectric matrix and is rotated infinitesimally, about an axis through its center, by an imposed couple. Without having to solve the governing equations of equilibrium, we find directly the relation between the couple and rotation vectors, together with the stress, strain, rotation tensor and electric fields just outside the ellipsoidal surface. In addition, we establish boundary integral formulae for evaluation of the fields in the matrix. Gaussian quadrature formulae with variable station points are employed in the numerical computations. Results are presented for a piezoelectric ceramic PZT-6B to show the effect of the aspect ratio of the spheroid on the rotational stiffness. This work extends the results of Walpole (Proc.R. Soc. London A433, 179-207, 1991) to piezoelectric media.

頁(從 - 到)1983-1995
期刊International Journal of Solids and Structures
出版狀態Published - 1993

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • 建模與模擬
  • 一般材料科學
  • 凝聚態物理學
  • 材料力學
  • 機械工業
  • 應用數學


深入研究「The rotation of a rigid ellipsoidal inclusion embedded in an anisotropic piezoelectric medium」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
